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Three years, countless lessons: Building our permaculture paradise (one oops at a time)


Welcome back!

It's first come, first paw for those coveted spots in our pup-mobile

It's been a wild ride since my last post – a whopping three years and two months! Life, as they say, happened in our little corner of the world. We went from a bustling family of four (me, hubby, Iki, and Solo - our furry firstborns) to full-fledged permaculture apprentices. It's been a whirlwind of new beginnings, a heartbreaking loss, an expanded furry crew, and a whole lot of adventures.


The pack grows: From two to eight!


Originally, Iki and Solo were our fur-ever family. We figured two dogs were enough responsibility for busy professionals with a permaculture dream to chase. Well, let's just say our "no-more-dogs" policy went out the window faster than a frog fleeing Iki's playful pounce. We now have a glorious, chaotic crew of eight! We never intended this much chaos, but one thing led to another, and before we knew it, our house was filled with eight bundles of playful and endless energy, and we wouldn't have it any other way.


Iki has a unique way of letting Mom know when it's time for a break – Zoom meetings can't compete with cuddle time!

These pups are a whirlwind of amusement (and, let's be honest, occasional exasperation). Imagine eight pairs of eyes pleading for belly rubs, eight playful chomps on our unsuspecting slippers, and eight furry rockets tearing across the farm at breakneck speed. Our days are a delightful (and occasionally messy) mix of epic hikes and the occasional "Zoom symphony" - our work-from-home buddies clearly believing playtime is the most important meeting of the day!

It's an eight-dog adventure that's like reliving puppyhood on repeat - times eight! We've practically earned ‘doctorates’ in canine nutrition and herbal remedies, all thanks to our furry friends' occasional battles with allergies. Let's just say, our reflexes are lightning-fast when it comes to spotting those vibrant (but very much not kissable) poisonous frogs. And the vet's office? Well, they know us by name (and the trusty sidecar attached to our motorcycle!)

But amidst the joyful chaos, a deep sadness struck.


A loss that left a paw-shaped hole: Remembering Lemon


Lemon, our super-cute baby, prefers to keep his good looks a secret from the camera. Shhh!

Our hearts ached with our first true heartbreak as a family. We lost our beloved Lemon to seizures, despite all the regular vet visits and medication. He fought bravely, but far too soon, his playful spirit left us. Lemon was more than just a pet; he was my husband's best friend, the world's undisputed champion poop-tracker with an uncanny nose (helping us maintain our eco-friendly 'doggy toilet' system!), and the cuddliest dog you could ever imagine.


Grief is a harsh teacher, reminding us of the profound love and loss a furry companion can bring. But as we grappled with the emptiness left by Lemon, we found solace in welcoming new pups into our lives. While Lemon will forever hold a special place in our hearts – irreplaceable in every way – these new additions helped ease the ache and fill the void. Our pack stopped growing at eight with the arrival of Otto, the feisty little furball who challenges even the self-proclaimed ‘alpha’, Solo. Just picture the daily "leadership impasses" that keep us entertained (and maybe a little exhausted)!


We tried, we failed, we learned (hopefully)


Our canine crew became the spark that ignited our dream of self-sufficiency even further. We envisioned a haven - a place where everything we eat (and our pups!) came directly from the land, and where all creatures great and small (emphasis on small… for now!) could flourish. It all began with a humble chicken coop, the rhythmic clucking becoming the soundtrack to our lives. Soon, the bleating symphony expanded with the arrival of some adorable goats. Finally, to complete the menagerie, a gaggle of ducks waddled in, adding their own comedic waddles to the mix. Integrating our canine crew with their feathered and hooved housemates was an adventure in controlled chaos, to say the least!


Our permaculture journey over the past three years has been more "adventure" than "achievement unlocked." The land needed some serious TLC and the lack of rain made growing enough food for ourselves and our animals a constant struggle. This meant our harvest was often meagre, and food costs remained high. We also faced the unwelcome attention of hungry phytons who saw our chicken coop as the hottest all-you-can-eat buffet in the entire village, leaving us heartbroken and scrambling for solutions. We lost more chickens to these midnight predators than we ever got to eat ourselves.


Yeah, we messed up. Big time. We failed our feathered friends by not giving them the top-level security they deserved. But hey, we're not ones to give up easily. We learned a harsh lesson about coop security (rookie mistake, right?). We've relocated the coop, moving it further from the phyton-infested neighbor's land, built a composting system that enlists the chickens' help, and are constantly striving to improve our animal care practices.


And the chickens? They seem to have forgiven us.  Thriving in their new role as eco-warriors (also known as the farm’s composting committee), their happy clucking and enthusiastic foot-stomping fill our mornings with a joyful symphony. It's a sound that tells us we're (slowly, but surely) getting things right.


From concrete ‘box’ to breezy bamboo haven

Speaking of happy havens, let's just say our first attempt was a bit…off-key. Our initial vision for a house? Think breezy sanctuary, a place that hummed with the land's energy. Reality, however, delivered a boxy, concrete structure that felt more suited for storing filing cabinets than fostering dreams. But hey, sometimes the biggest detours lead to the most beautiful destinations. So, we swapped blueprints and enlisted the help of a skilled crew to build a custom three-room bamboo house that embodies everything we love – natural ventilation whispering through the rooms, the earthy aroma of bamboo replacing the sterile air, and the real scent of home finally settling in.


This breezy haven, filled with the morning chorus of birds, is now the heart of our family life and the perfect spot to soak in the beauty of our flourishing permaculture sanctuary. Sunflowers dance around it, and it's become the favorite spot for our furry pack, with our eldest Solo (who struggles with stairs) often arriving last to the morning reunion. The house comes alive when family visits (who, unsurprisingly, prefer the bamboo house).


The concrete house… well, let's just say it's best enjoyed during the cooler months.  For those sizzling summer days, we've hatched a plan (or should we say hatched an office?) – our very own open-air workspace! Who needs air conditioning when you have a gentle breeze and the sweet symphony of nature, right?


The great outdoors: Finding focus in our open-air office

Stepping outside into our open-air office is like taking a deep breath of fresh air – literally and figuratively.  Here, with our bare feet in the sand, we feel grounded and directly connected to the land's energy. It's a deep connection we crave, and one the concrete house just can't replicate.  Even the dogs seem to sense it – perhaps a little too much, judging by the number of impressive sand-digging craters they create!

But the true magic unfolds when the rain falls. Our open-air office transforms into a haven for the senses, offering a front-row seat to a breathtaking performance. Raindrops pitter-patter on the nipa roof, a sound both calming and invigorating. The earthy scent of the land awakens. Plants sway gracefully in the wind, like a chorus line celebrating the life-giving moisture. It's a symphony completed by the serenades of frogs and the rhythmic chirping of insects – a natural soundtrack that puts even the best speaker and human-made music to shame.


It's an atmosphere that fosters focus and creativity.  The only downside? We sometimes get so engrossed in the beauty of it all that work stretches into the late evenings as the crickets and insects from our mini-forest chirp their evening greetings.


From seedlings to sanctuary: Our mini forest takes root

Our office boasts a stunning view, not just of the open sky, but of our thriving mini-forest. Three years ago, hubby and I embarked on a journey to create a haven for native Philippine trees, planting them from seeds and seedlings. Today, it boasts some 300+ trees of over 80 different species (a small but growing tribute to the country’s incredible 3,500+ varieties), from towering, flowering, to fruit-laden wonders. During breaks, we find solace beneath their growing canopies, absorbing the refreshing shade and the invisible bounty of negative ions they release.

Ipil tree is an indigenous and endangered tree in the Philippines. Its wood is considered a valuable timber used for heavy construction and furniture-making

Building the forest wasn't easy. As the saying goes, "anything worth having is rarely easy," this project certainly tested our dedication. We embarked on a quest, scouring fairs, online sellers (and occasionally falling victim to some not-so-reputable ones) all in the pursuit of the native trees for our unique environment. We've mourned the loss of some saplings, even the especially hard-to-find varieties, when the scorching heat or limited rainfall proved too much for them. But through it all, our mini-forest has persevered. Its ever-expanding canopy, is a reminder that even the most ambitious dreams take time, dedication, and maybe a little bit of trial and error to take root.

The Magkono, also known as ironwood, is a majestic tree native to the Visayas, Palawan, and northeastern Mindanao. Prized for its incredibly dense and durable wood, this rare and endangered species faces threats from habitat loss due to deforestation and overcutting

This passion for trees isn't confined to our mini-forest. It's become a mission to transform our entire farm into a sprawling, leafy wonderland. Imagine driving in, greeted by a vibrant array of toog (one of the tallest trees in the Philippines) on one side, and the other exploding with the colorful blooms of flowering shrubs and trees. These pockets of green are thriving testaments to resilience, even after the scorching summer. The magkono/Philippine ironwood (one of the most valuable trees in the world) flowers, with their vibrant hues, are a beautiful example.

Wild bees once buzzed happily in one of our trees. We're creating a haven for them, hoping they'll return and make our farm their sweet, sweet home

The importance of native trees isn't lost on us.  As summer temperatures soar to dangerous highs across the country (and in many parts of the world), we see the impact firsthand.  Our mini-forest has become a haven not just for us, but also for weary birds and insects seeking cool refuge. It's a beacon of hope, a testament to the power of nature to combat climate change, one tiny leaf at a time.


The struggle is real, but so are the rewards: Welcome to Earthing Farm!


Sure, there will be scorching summers that turn us into human puddles. But hey, challenges are what make the journey an adventure, right? We know we're incredibly fortunate to live this life, and that's why we want to share the good, the bad, and the hilarious with you. We want to plant seeds of hope, inspire others to embrace a life that's a little greener, a little healthier, and a whole lot more fun. After all, even the mightiest ironwood and the grandest forest start with a single seed.


The Bagawak-Morado, a dazzling flowering tree endemic to the Philippines, is classified as critically endangered

That's the thinking behind our brand-new Facebook page, "Earthing Farm"!  We'll be documenting our experiences, sharing the lessons we've learned (the hard way, of course), and hopefully giving you a good chuckle along the way. So, dear reader, dust off your metaphorical gardening gloves and join us on this journey! Don't be surprised if the page is a little bare at first – this story, after all, began three years and two months ago (we're slow starters, but we're persistent!).


Hot days got me saying 'hammock, hooray!'

But fear not, there's much more to come, and we promise the wait won't be nearly as long as it took us to figure out the best way to keep the chickens safe. We're excited to share our journey with you, and who knows, maybe you'll inspire us with yours too!  After all, sharing the good, the bad, and the downright hilarious is what makes this whole thing worthwhile.  Welcome to the Earthing Farm family!



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